When it comes to an Email Signature, it is often pushed to the bottom of your Todolist.
You may have created an email signature in the past, but a well-thought-out and well-designed signature can help you put on your most professional side.
In this article, we will focus on how to create a professional email signature and one that gives added value to every email you send.
Email Signature Template – What to include
The basic information in signing your email should both attract attention and convey the right kind of information to your recipients.
Here’s a list of what you should include in an email signature (so you can start building your own):
- Name – your signature should include your name 🙂 preferably a full name.
- Title and organization – whether you represent a company, self-employed or even if you are a university student.
- Socials – it is very worthwhile to add at least one link, which presents you in the best way in terms of personal branding. It can be your blog, your company / organization website, a profile page, a portfolio / professional resume page that can be viewed online, or your profile pages on social media – LinkedIn, Facebook and more.
- Logo and photo – If you have a personal photo or company logo, add it, it will make your signature look more professional and catch the eye.
- Adjust your branding – whether you are part of a company, another organization or independent, matching the branding is very important – you will create differentiation from other signatures, and elegance.
Important Tips for creating an Email Signature
Once you have written the details you want to add to the signature, you can start thinking about how to create your email signature in terms of design.
So here are some top tips:
- Keep it Simple – simplicity and readability are the 2 most important things. Let the recipient of the message be comfortable accessing the details he wants.
- Use images – Usually images and logos (which look good) are much more motivating than text.
- Link to the logo – and if you have already added a logo, make sure that you have added a link to your website on the logo. High chance of being clicked.
- Use an Email Signature Generator – One of the most effective ways to create an email signature is through an online service that does most of the work for you.
Once you’ve created the signature, you will find instructions on how to embed the signature within your email service (Gmail / Outlook / Apple Mail…).
We recommend an email signature service – where you can create a professional, branded signature and embed it in the email easily.
Why Email Signature is so important?
The main reason is that our business signature goes through every email we send at no cost at all.
Therefore, it seems to include as many marketing messages as possible, but at the same time, to be short and pleasant and clear.
How to add an email signature
Well then after you have finished creating your signature, the stage has really come to use it, and put it in your inbox.
We have found for you 2 great articles:
- If you use Gmail then here you can learn about add a signature to Gmail
- And that’s a great one about How to add signature in Outlook
So what are you waiting for? It’s time to improve your branding!